Los adjetivos y los adverbios en inglés

Los adjetivos
Describen las características de personas, objetos o animales.
The house is big.La casa es grande |
My grandfather is old.Mi abuelo es viejo |
We have a nice, new, red car.Tenemos un coche rojo, nuevo y bonito |
Los adverbios
Describen cómo se hace una acción.
He read the book quickly.Él leyó el libro rápidamente |
She plays the violin beautifully.Ella toca el violín hermosamente |
She drives slowly and carefully.Ella conduce lentamente y cuidadosamente |
En muchos casos, los adverbios se forman añadiendo “-ly” al adjetivo.
The apple is bad – He dances badly.La manzana es mala – El baila mal |
A cheetah is quick– She runs quickly.El guepardo es rápido – Ella corre rápidamente |
Pero hay algunos adverbios irregulares:
good | well | He speaks English well. (Él habla inglés bien) |
fast | fast | They run very fast. (Ellos corren rápido/ rápidamente) |
hard | hard | She always works hard. (Ella trabaja duro) |
late | late | I arrived late to work. (Yo llegué tarde al trabajo) |
early | early | He gets up early every day. (Él se levanta temprano cada día) |
daily | daily | She cleans the house daily. (Ella limpia la casa diariamente) |
straight | straight | He walked straight to the shop. (Él caminó directamente a la tienda) |
friendly | no adverb | |
timely | no adverb | |
Aprende más aquí https://www.curso-ingles.com/aprender/cursos/nivel-intermedio/adverbs/adverbs-form-and-function
Adjectives and Adverbs in English

They describe the characteristics of people, things, or animals.
The house is big.La casa es grande |
My grandfather is old.Mi abuelo es viejo |
We have a nice, new, red car.Tenemos un coche rojo, nuevo y bonito |
They describe how an action is done.
He read the book quickly.Él leyó el libro rápidamente |
She plays the violin beautifully.Ella toca el violín hermosamente |
She drives slowly and carefully.Ella conduce lentamente y cuidadosamente |
In many cases, adverbs are formed by adding “-ly” to the adjective.
The apple is bad – He dances badly.La manzana es mala – El baila mal |
A cheetah is quick– She runs quickly.El guepardo es rápido – Ella corre rápidamente |
But there are some irregular adverbs:
good | well | He speaks English well. (Él habla inglés bien) |
fast | fast | They run very fast. (Ellos corren rápido/ rápidamente) |
hard | hard | She always works hard. (Ella trabaja duro) |
late | late | I arrived late to work. (Yo llegué tarde al trabajo) |
early | early | He gets up early every day. (Él se levanta temprano cada día) |
daily | daily | She cleans the house daily. (Ella limpia la casa diariamente) |
straight | straight | He walked straight to the shop. (Él caminó directamente a la tienda) |
friendly | no adverb | |
timely | no adverb | |
Learn more here! https://www.curso-ingles.com/aprender/cursos/nivel-intermedio/adverbs/adverbs-form-and-function