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There's no use crying over spilled milk.
Resultado de la traducción
De nada sirve llorar sobre la leche derramada.
There's no use crying over spilled milk.
The doctor explained that the new medication would be available for use in hospitals within a few months.
El médico explicó que el nuevo medicamento estaría disponible para su uso en hospitales dentro de unos pocos meses.
2. What something is used for.
The user manual explains the use of each button on the remote control, making it easy to navigate through channels.
El manual de usuario explica el uso de cada botón en el mando a distancia, lo que facilita la navegación a través de canales.
3. A particular service.
The hotel offers several uses, including laundry and dry cleaning services, to cater to its guests' needs.
El hotel ofrece varios servicios, incluyendo lavandería y limpieza a seco, para atender las necesidades de sus huéspedes.
4. (economics) the utilization of economic goods to satisfy needs or in manufacturing.
The company's production plan called for an increase in the use of raw materials to meet the growing demand for their products.
El plan de producción de la empresa previó un aumento en el uso de materiales brutos para satisfacer la creciente demanda por sus productos.
5. (psychology) an automatic pattern of behavior in reaction to a specific situation.
The therapist helped the patient identify and challenge their use of avoidance when faced with anxiety-inducing situations.
El terapeuta ayudó al paciente a identificar y desafiar su uso del rechazo cuando se enfrentaba con situaciones que lo inducían al ansiedad.
6. Exerting shrewd or devious influence especially for one's own advantage.
The politician's use of her position to manipulate public opinion was widely criticized in the media.
El uso que el político hizo de su posición para manipular la opinión pública fue ampliamente criticado por los medios.
7. (law) the exercise of the legal right to enjoy the benefits of owning property.
The new homeowners were able to exercise their use of the property by hosting a backyard barbecue for friends and family.
Los nuevos propietarios de la vivienda pudieron ejercer su uso del inmueble al organizar un pícnic en el jardín para amigos y familiares.
1. A white nutritious liquid secreted by mammals and used as food by human beings.
As part of her daily routine, Sarah pours a glass of cold milk into her cereal bowl for a quick and healthy breakfast.
Como parte de su rutina diaria, Sarah vierte un vaso de leche fría en su tazón de avena para una desayuna rápida y saludable.
2. Produced by mammary glands of female mammals for feeding their young.
The mother cow carefully tends to her calf, producing rich milk that it drinks eagerly.
La vaca madre cuidadosamente atiende a su ternero, produciendo leche rica que bebe con ansia.
3. A river that rises in the rockies in northwestern montana and flows eastward to become a tributary of the missouri river.
The Milk River is known for its crystal-clear waters and scenic valleys, making it a popular destination for rafting enthusiasts.
El Río Leche es conocido por sus aguas cristalinas y valles escénicos, lo que lo convierte en un destino popular para entusiastas de rafting.
4. Any of several nutritive milklike liquids.
The lactation consultant recommended a high-quality breast milk for the newborn baby to ensure proper nutrition.
La consultora de lactancia recomendó un leche materna de alta calidad para el bebé recién nacido para garantizar una nutrición adecuada.