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People lived in africa millions of years ago Traducción de 'People lived in africa millions of years ago'
The people inhabited the islands that are now deserted Traducción de 'The people inhabited the islands that are now deserted'
This kind of fish dwells near the bottom of the ocean Traducción de 'This kind of fish dwells near the bottom of the ocean'
Deer are populating the woods Traducción de 'Deer are populating the woods'
2. lead a certain kind of life.
After retiring from her corporate job, she decided to live off the grid and start a sustainable farm in the countryside. Después de jubilarse de su trabajo corporativo, decidió vivir fuera de la red y empezar una granja sostenible en el campo.
3. continue to live and avoid dying.
We went without water and food for 3 days Traducción de 'We went without water and food for 3 days'
These superstitions survive in the backwaters of america Traducción de 'These superstitions survive in the backwaters of america'
The race car driver lived through several very serious accidents Traducción de 'The race car driver lived through several very serious accidents'
How long can a person last without food and water? one crash victim died, the other lived Traducción de 'How long can a person last without food and water? one crash victim died, the other lived'
4. support oneself.
After graduating from college, she decided to live off her savings while she pursued her passion for photography. Después de graduarse de la universidad, decidió vivir con sus ahorros mientras perseguía su pasión por la fotografía.
5. have life, be alive.
After recovering from the illness, she was able to live again and enjoy her daily routine. Después de recuperarse de la enfermedad, ella fue capaz de vivir de nuevo y disfrutar su rutina diaria.
6. have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations.
She lives through her art, pouring her heart and soul into every brushstroke to capture the raw emotion she feels. Ella vive a través de su arte, viendo su corazón y alma en cada pincelada para capturar la emoción cruda que siente.
7. pursue a positive and satisfying existence.
After quitting her unfulfilling job, Sarah decided to live life on her own terms, pursuing her passion for photography and traveling the world. Después de dejar su trabajo insatisfactorio, Sarah decidió vivir la vida según sus propios términos, dedicarse a su pasión por la fotografía y viajar por el mundo.