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1. assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group.
The investment portfolio is divided into two shares: one for John and another for his wife. El portafolio de inversiones se divide en dos participaciones: una para Juan y otra para su esposa.
2. any of the equal portions into which the capital stock of a corporation is divided and ownership of which is evidenced by a stock certificate.
The investor purchased a share of the company's initial public offering (IPO) and was thrilled to see its value increase significantly over time. El inversor compró una acción de la oferta pública inicial (OPI) de la empresa y se alegró al ver que su valor aumentó significativamente con el tiempo.
3. the allotment of some amount by dividing something.
The company announced that they would be sharing a portion of their profits with their employees, which resulted in a significant increase in morale and job satisfaction. La empresa anunció que compartirían una parte de sus ganancias con sus empleados, lo que llevó a un aumento significativo en la moral y la satisfacción laboral.
4. the effort contributed by a person in bringing about a result.
I am proud of my contribution in advancing the project Traducción de 'I am proud of my contribution in advancing the project'
They all did their share of the work Traducción de 'They all did their share of the work'
5. a sharp steel wedge that cuts loose the top layer of soil.
The farmer used a share to loosen the earth around the tree's roots before transplanting it to a new location. El agricultor utilizó una azada para soltar la tierra alrededor de las raíces del árbol antes de trasplantarlo a un nuevo emplazamiento.