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Resources TranslatorThe lights went out during the storm.
The lights went out during the storm.
Translation result
Las luces se apagaron durante la tormenta. The lights went out during the storm.
1. separated or at a distance in place or position or time.
The two friends sat apart from each other on the beach, enjoying their solo moments of relaxation. Los dos amigos se sentaron separados uno del otro en la playa, disfrutando de sus momentos solitarios de relajación.
2. not taken into account or excluded from consideration.
The judge's decision was apart from the jury's recommendation, and it ultimately led to a different verdict being reached. La decisión del juez se apartó de la recomendación del jurado y eventualmente llevó a un veredicto diferente.
3. away from another or others.
The two friends stood apart, gazing out at the sunset on opposite sides of the beach. Los dos amigos se mantuvieron separados, mirando hacia el atardecer desde lados opuestos de la playa.
4. placed or kept separate and distinct as for a purpose.
The chef carefully placed each ingredient apart from the others on the counter to ensure accurate measurements during recipe preparation. El chef colocó cuidadosamente cada ingrediente separado de los demás en la encimera para garantizar mediduras precisas durante la preparación de la receta.
5. one from the other.
The siblings played apart in their own worlds, each lost in their own thoughts and imagination. Los hermanos jugaron separados en sus propios mundos, cada uno perdido en sus propias pensamientos y imaginación.
6. into parts or pieces.
The mechanic carefully broke apart the engine to inspect each component individually. El mecánico cuidadosamente desmontó el motor para inspeccionar cada componente individualmente.
drama noun
1. a dramatic work intended for performance by actors on a stage.
The avant-garde theater company premiered their latest drama, "The Last Act," to a sold-out audience. La compañía de teatro vanguardista estrenó su última dramaturgia, "El Último Acto", ante un público completo.
2. an episode that is turbulent or highly emotional.
The sudden argument between the two siblings turned into a drama, with tears and shouting filling the entire room. La repentina discusión entre los dos hermanos se convirtió en un drama, con lágrimas y gritos llenando toda la habitación.
3. the literary genre of works intended for the theater.
The playwright's latest drama, "The Lost City," premiered at the prestigious Broadway Theater and received rave reviews from critics. La última obra del dramaturgo, "La Ciudad Perdida", estrenó en el prestigioso Teatro de Broadway y recibió críticas elogiosas de los críticos.
4. the quality of being arresting or highly emotional.
The fiery speech was full of drama, captivating the audience and leaving them in awe. El discurso apasionado estaba lleno de drama, cautivando al público y dejándolos en asombro.
storm noun
1. a violent weather condition with winds 64-72 knots (11 on the Beaufort scale) and precipitation and thunder and lightning.
The storm that swept through the city last night left thousands of people without power, causing widespread damage and disruptions. La tormenta que azotó la ciudad ayer noche dejó a miles de personas sin energía eléctrica, causando daños y disturbios generalizados.
2. a violent commotion or disturbance.
The riot that broke out in the city was a storm of chaos, with people smashing windows and overturning cars. La riña que estalló en la ciudad fue una tormenta de caos, con personas rompiendo ventanas y volcando coches.
3. a direct and violent assault on a stronghold.
The rebels launched a storm on the heavily fortified castle, breaching its walls and capturing the king's throne room. Los rebeldes lanzaron un torbellino en el castillo fortificado, logrando romper sus murallas y capturar la sala del trono del rey.