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Resources TranslatorWe must get off the train at the next stop.
We must get off the train at the next stop.
Translation result
Debemos bajar del tren en la siguiente parada. We must get off the train at the next stop.
The art school offers courses in photography, where students learn the technical skills needed to capture stunning images. La escuela de arte ofrece cursos de fotografía, donde los estudiantes aprenden las habilidades técnicas necesarias para capturar imágenes impresionantes.
2. the process of producing images of objects on photosensitive surfaces.
The photography studio was equipped with state-of-the-art cameras and lighting equipment to capture high-quality images for advertising campaigns. El estudio de fotografía estaba equipado con cámaras y equipo de iluminación de vanguardia para capturar imágenes de alta calidad para campañas publicitarias.
3. the occupation of taking and printing photographs or making movies.
After completing her degree in photography, Sarah started her own studio and began capturing stunning portraits of local celebrities. Después de completar su título en fotografía, Sarah empezó su propio estudio y comenzó a capturar retratos impresionantes de celebridades locales.
train noun
1. public transport provided by a line of railway cars coupled together and drawn by a locomotive.
The train arrived at platform 3, carrying passengers from New York City to Los Angeles. El tren llegó a la plataforma 3, transportando pasajeros desde Nueva York Ciudad hacia Los Ángeles.
2. a sequentially ordered set of things or events or ideas in which each successive member is related to the preceding.
The train of thought was interrupted by the sudden noise outside my window, causing me to lose my focus on the task at hand. El tren de pensamiento fue interrumpido por el ruido repentino fuera de mi ventana, lo que me hizo perder el enfoque en la tarea a mano.
3. a procession (of wagons or mules or camels) traveling together in single file.
The camel train trekked across the desert, its long line of beasts carrying precious goods and supplies to the remote oasis town. Un tren de dromedarios recorrió el desierto, su larga hilera de bestias transportando bienes y suministros valiosos hasta la remota ciudad del oasis.
4. a series of consequences wrought by an event.
The company faced a difficult train of events after a major data breach, including lawsuits and regulatory fines. La empresa se enfrentó a un complicado conjunto de eventos después de un importante ciberataque, incluyendo demandas y multas regulatorias.
5. piece of cloth forming the long back section of a gown that is drawn along the floor.
The bride's elaborate train flowed behind her like a river of silk as she walked down the aisle. La trenza de la novia se deslizó detrás de ella como un río de seda mientras caminaba por el pasillo.
6. wheelwork consisting of a connected set of rotating gears by which force is transmitted or motion or torque is changed.
The engineer carefully adjusted the train on the locomotive to ensure smooth acceleration and deceleration. El ingeniero ajustó cuidadosamente el tren en la locomotora para garantizar una aceleración y desaceleración suaves.
next adjective
stop noun
1. the event of something ending.
The stop of the music was sudden and unexpected, leaving everyone in stunned silence. El cese del música fue repentina y inesperado, dejando a todos en un silencio atónito.
2. the act of stopping something.
The referee called a stop to the game after the fight broke out on the field. El árbitro detuvo el partido después de que se peleara en el campo.
3. a brief stay in the course of a journey.
After a long day of driving, we made a stop at a quaint bed and breakfast for the night, enjoying a warm dinner and comfortable room. Después de un largo día conduciendo, paramos en una encantadora posada y albergue para pasar la noche, disfrutando de una cálida cena y una habitación cómoda.
4. the state of inactivity following an interruption.
After the power outage, the entire city was plunged into stop for several hours until the generators could be restarted. Después del apagón eléctrico, toda la ciudad fue sumida en el silencio durante varias horas hasta que los generadores pudieron ser reiniciados.
5. a spot where something halts or pauses.
The coach called a stop on the play to regroup and adjust their strategy before attempting the next drive. El entrenador detuvo el juego para reagruparse y ajustar su estrategia antes de intentar el próximo drive.
6. a consonant produced by stopping the flow of air at some point and suddenly releasing it.
The phonetic transcription of the word "pat" includes the stop consonant /t/, which is pronounced with sudden release of air. La transcripción fonética de la palabra "pat" incluye el consonante oclusivo /t/, que se pronuncia con un rápido escape del aire.
7. a punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations.
The author carefully placed a stop at the end of each paragraph to separate it from the next, creating a clear and readable format for the reader. El autor colocó con cuidado un punto y aparte al final de cada párrafo para separarlo del siguiente, creando un formato claro y legible para el lector.
8. (music) a knob on an organ that is pulled to change the sound quality from the organ pipes.
The organist expertly manipulated the stop to switch between the flute and the violin sounds, creating a rich and dynamic texture in the music. El organista manipuló hábilmente la palanca para cambiar entre los sonidos de flauta y violín, creando un tejido rico y dinámico en la música.
9. a mechanical device in a camera that controls size of aperture of the lens.
The photographer adjusted the stop on her camera to achieve a shallow depth of field, blurring the background and emphasizing the subject. La fotógrafa ajustó el diafragmado en su cámara para lograr un campo de profundidad superficial, desenfocando el fondo y enfatizando la imagen subjetiva.
10. a restraint that checks the motion of something.
The mechanic installed a stop on the engine to prevent it from overheating during long drives. El mecánico instaló un freno en el motor para evitar que se sobrecalientara durante largos viajes.
11. an obstruction in a pipe or tube.
The plumber had to remove the stop from the clogged drain pipe before it could be cleaned and reused. El plomero tuvo que quitar el tapón del tubo de drenaje atascado antes de que pudiera ser limpiado y reutilizado.