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    Resources Translator To cause dislike or displeasure

to cause dislike or displeasure

Translation result
causar disgusto o desagrado to cause dislike or displeasure

cause verb

1. give rise to.

The new policy is likely to cause a stir among employees, who have grown accustomed to the old way of doing things. La nueva política es probable que provoque un revuelo entre los empleados, quienes se han acostumbrado a la vieja forma de hacer las cosas.
The sudden change in weather caused the crops to wither and die, leaving the farmer with a significant loss. El cambio repentino en el tiempo causó que las cosechas se marchitaran y murieran, dejando al agricultor con una pérdida significativa.

2. cause to do.

The new policy caused me to rethink my approach to marketing, and I ended up trying out some innovative strategies. La nueva política me hizo replantear mi enfoque en el marketing y al final intenté algunas estrategias innovadoras.
Her inspiring speech caused the crowd to erupt in applause, and soon everyone was cheering for her. La inspiradora disertación de ella causó que la multitud estallara en aplausos, y pronto todos estaban vitoreando por ella.

dislike noun

1. an inclination to withhold approval from some person or group.

2. a feeling of aversion or antipathy.

My dislike of him was instinctive Traducción de 'My dislike of him was instinctive'

displeasure noun

1. the feeling of being displeased or annoyed or dissatisfied with someone or something.