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1. discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of.
The detective spent hours searching for clues to discover the identity of the suspect. El detective pasó horas buscando pistas para descubrir la identidad del sospechoso.
2. get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally.
While rummaging through her grandmother's attic, Emma discovered an old trunk filled with vintage clothing and accessories. Mientras revolvía el desván de su abuela, Emma descubrió un viejo baúl lleno de ropa y accesorios de época.
3. make a discovery, make a new finding.
The team of scientists worked tirelessly to discover a cure for the deadly disease, and their efforts finally paid off when they found a breakthrough treatment. El equipo de científicos trabajó incansablemente para descubrir un tratamiento curativo para la enfermedad mortal y sus esfuerzos finalmente dieron fruto cuando encontraron un tratamiento revolucionario.
4. make a discovery.
As she explored the ancient ruins, she discovered a hidden chamber filled with treasures. Mientras exploraba las ruinas antiguas, descubrió una cámara oculta llena de tesoros.
5. find unexpectedly.
While exploring the attic, Emma discovered an old trunk filled with family heirlooms she had never seen before. Mientras exploraba el desván, Emma descubrió un trasto antiguo lleno de objetos familiares que nunca había visto antes.
6. make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret.
The investigative journalist worked tirelessly to discover the truth behind the corporation's alleged bribery scandal, and her findings were published in a shocking exposé that sent shockwaves through the business world. La periodista investigadora trabajó incansablemente para descubrir la verdad detrás el escándalo de soborno supuestamente cometido por la corporación, y sus hallazgos fueron publicados en un revelador reportaje que envió ondas de choque a través del mundo empresarial.
7. see for the first time.
As she rounded the corner, she discovered a hidden garden tucked away behind the old mansion, its beauty taking her breath away. Mientras doblaba la esquina, descubrió un jardín oculto escondido detrás de la vieja mansión, su belleza le quitó el aliento.
8. identify as in botany or biology, for example.
The team of researchers spent years studying the rare species before they finally discovered it to be a new genus of flowering plant. El equipo de investigadores pasó años estudiando la especie rara antes de que finalmente la descubrieran ser un nuevo género de planta floral.