Andrew is waiting at the doctor’s office. He is there for two reasons today. Find out what the Doctor recommends.
Andrew está esperando en la consulta de su doctor. Está allí por dos razones hoy. Averigua lo que el doctor le recomienda.Diálogo
Hello, Andrew. What’s the matter? Well, I’m here for two reasons. These last few days I have had a very sore throat. I can hardly swallow and I have had high fevers. Let me take a look at your throat. Open please. It looks like a bad throat infection. I am going to prescribe antibiotics. You will have to take the pills for 7 days. You should take one pill every 8 hours. Please don’t forget to take them. Also you must finish the full 7 day treatment. If you don’t, you might not get rid of the infection and it could come back. I have been having a lot of pain in my left knee lately. Have you been doing any sort of exercise? Yes, I started running about 2 months ago. I have been running between 5 and 10 km a day. Did you fall or do any harsh movement recently? No, that’s what is so strange . On the side of my knee… here. Let me move your leg around and see….does this hurt? And does it hurt if I bend your knee like this? Not so much, just a little. It looks like a ligament injury. You should rest your knee for about a week. Put ice pads on it a few times a day and wear this knee brace when you walk. Okay. I wanted to run in a 10 kilometer race in about 6 weeks. Should I do it? I wouldn’t put too much pressure on your knee. Make an appointment for about 2 weeks from now and we’ll see how it looks. Introduction
Andrew is waiting at the doctor’s office. He is there for two reasons today. Find out what the Doctor recommends.
Hello, Andrew. What’s the matter? Well, I’m here for two reasons. These last few days I have had a very sore throat. I can hardly swallow and I have had high fevers. Let me take a look at your throat. Open please. It looks like a bad throat infection. I am going to prescribe antibiotics. You will have to take the pills for 7 days. You should take one pill every 8 hours. Please don’t forget to take them. Also you must finish the full 7 day treatment. If you don’t, you might not get rid of the infection and it could come back. I have been having a lot of pain in my left knee lately. Have you been doing any sort of exercise? Yes, I started running about 2 months ago. I have been running between 5 and 10 km a day. Did you fall or do any harsh movement recently? No, that’s what is so strange . On the side of my knee… here. Let me move your leg around and see….does this hurt? And does it hurt if I bend your knee like this? Not so much, just a little. It looks like a ligament injury. You should rest your knee for about a week. Put ice pads on it a few times a day and wear this knee brace when you walk. Okay. I wanted to run in a 10 kilometer race in about 6 weeks. Should I do it? I wouldn’t put too much pressure on your knee. Make an appointment for about 2 weeks from now and we’ll see how it looks. ES