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    Resources Articles Holidays festivals celebrations traditions Reflexiones para el ano nuevo

Reflections and Resolutions for the New Year

The New Year has always been a good time to look back over the past year and remember the good times (and not-so-good) we’ve had. Perhaps you had an amazing experience in 2013, such as having a baby, getting married, or traveling to an exciting destination. Or, on the other hand, there may be things you would prefer to forget about 2013, such as losing your job, being sick, or facing financial problems.

What’s important is to learn from past experiences and look ahead with hope that things will be just as good or better than the previous year.

The New Year is a time for reflecting on the changes we want (or need) to make in order to live a happier, healthier, more balanced life, and to commit ourselves to truly making those changes. These are called New Year’s Resolutions. Below is a list of 10 of the most common New Year’s Resolutions. What’s yours?

The Most Common New Year’s Resolutions

I will try to:

Lose weight

Did you overeat during the holidays? Maybe this is a good year to try to slim down to the size you were years ago.

Volunteer to help others

There are so many people forgotten in our society, from the homeless to those who are always alone. Giving a little of your time or money to help them benefits everyone!

Quit smoking

Have you been smoking for so long that you don’t even remember when you started? Maybe it’s time to seriously consider your long-term health.

Get a better education

From taking an adult education course to improving your English level, there’s always something new to learn!

Get a (better) job

Whether it’s finding a job or improving the one you have, we hope this year will be a good one for job seekers.

Save money

Opening a savings account or finding another way to save money each month will bring you more financial stability.

Get fit

Would you like to feel more energized through physical exercise? Maybe it’s time to prioritize getting fit.

Eat healthy food

Do you eat fast food on the go? Balanced and healthy meals with plenty of fruits and vegetables will make you feel much better.

Manage stress

A key part of being happy is learning how to stay calm during stressful times.

Manage debt

Do you spend more than you earn? Maybe you need to find a way to cut back on your expenses and debts to live a more financially stable life.

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