Learn how to write a professional email in English

Guide for writing a professional email in English
It’s essential to communicate effectively in the workplace, and today emails are one of the key ways we communicate with others. Below is a guide for writing professional emails in English.
1. The subject
You must inform the recipient what the email is about. Be clear and brief:
- Meeting June 15, 3:00
- Trade fair in New York, April 2018
- Sales Presentation
- Lunch on May 3rd
2. How to address the recipient of the email
There are different ways to greet the recipient depending on who it is and whether you know them.
The most common way to address the recipient is “Dear + person’s name”
- Dear + the name of the person
- Dear Susan, Dear Mr. Brown, Dear Mrs. Arnold
In formal situations use the recipient’s full name:
If you don’t know the person’s name:
For someone you know well:
For family members or friends in an informal email:
3. How to start the email
The beginning of an email should express its purpose. Are you applying for a job, saying thank you, or asking for something? The tone and first lines will reflect the email’s purpose.
To apply for a job:
- I am writing to express my interest in ‘Blue Denim, Inc.’
- I am contacting you to apply for the secretary position listed on your website.
To arrange a meeting:
- Would it be possible to meet this Friday at 10 a.m.?
- We would like to invite you back for a second interview. Are you available on August 12th at 9:00?
To express gratitude:
- Thank you for sending us your resume.
- Thank you for inviting me to the trade fair.
- Thanks for your quick reply.
To ask for a favor:
- I wanted to ask you for a favor.
- I would like to see if it would be possible…
4. Informal greetings
If the recipient is someone you know or have corresponded with previously, you can start with:
- How are you?
- I was glad to hear from you.
- I hope you are well.
Attaching files
When attaching a document or file to your email, use one of these phrases:
- Please find attached the sales presentation.
- I have attached the document.
- Please find attached my c.v.
Ending an email
When ending an email, make it clear exactly what you expect from the recipient:
- Please let me know by Friday if you can attend the meeting.
- Please contact me if there are any vacancies in your company.
- Can you please send me your new catalog?
Closing lines
Here are some common closing lines:
- Thank you for your attention.
- Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
- Many thanks.
- I look forward to hearing from you.
The closing
When ending an email, add a closing before your name:
- In formal situations, write: Best regards, Kind regards, or Sincerely.
- In informal situations, write: Best wishes or Cheers.
Lastly, it’s a good idea to proofread your email before sending it to ensure there are no spelling errors, it’s clear, and no key points have been forgotten.
For more information, you can find details on how to write a professional email.
Aprende a escribir un email profesional en inglés

Guía para escribir un correo electrónico profesional en inglés
Es imprescindible comunicarse eficazmente en el lugar del trabajo y hoy en día el correo electrónico es una de las maneras clave en que nos comunicamos. A continuación ofrecemos una guía para escribir correos electrónicos profesionales en inglés.
1. El asunto
Debes indicar al destinatario sobre qué trata el correo electrónico. Debes ser claro y breve:
- Meeting June 15, 3:00
- Trade fair in New York, April 2018
- Sales Presentation
- Lunch on May 3rd
2. Cómo dirigirse al destinatario del correo electrónico
Hay diferentes maneras de saludar al destinatario, dependiendo de quién es y si lo conoces.
La forma más común de dirigirse al destinatario es “Apreciado + nombre de la persona”
- Dear + the name of the person
- Dear Susan, Dear Mr. Brown, Dear Mrs. Arnold
En situaciones formales se usa el nombre completo de la persona:
Si no conoces el nombre de la persona:
Para alguien que conoces bien:
Para familiares o amigos en un correo electrónico informal:
2. Cómo comenzar el email
El principio de un correo electrónico debe expresar el propósito del mismo. ¿Estás solicitando un trabajo, diciendo gracias o pidiendo algo? El tono y las primeras líneas reflejarán cuál es el propósito del correo electrónico.
Para solicitar un trabajo:
- I am writing to express my interest in ‘Blue Denim, Inc.’ (Le escribo para expresar mi interés en ‘Blue Denim, Inc.’)
- I am contacting you to apply for the secretary position listed on your website. (Me pongo en contacto con Ud. para solicitar la posición de secretaria listada en su página web.)
Para concertar una reunión:
- Would it be possible to meet this Friday at 10 a.m.? (¿Sería posible reunirnos este viernes a las 10:00?)
- We would like to invite you back for a second interview. Are you available on August 12th at 9:00? (Nos gustaría invitarle para una segunda entrevista. ¿Está disponible el 12 de agosto a las 9:00?)
Para expresar agradecimiento:
- Thank you for sending us your resume.
- Thank you for inviting me to the trade fair.
- Thanks for your quick reply.
Para pedir un favor:
- I wanted to ask you for a favor.
- I would like to see if it would be possible…
3. Saludos informales
Si el destinatario es alguien que conoces o con quien has mantenido correspondencia anteriormente, puedes escribir:
- How are you?
- I was glad to hear from you.
- I hope you are well.
Adjuntar archivos
Cuando adjuntes un documento o archivo a tu correo electrónico, escribe alguna de estas frases:
- Please find attached the sales presentation.
- I have attached the document.
- Please find attached my c.v.
Finalizar un correo electrónico
Cuando finalices un correo electrónico, debe quedar claro qué esperas exactamente del destinatario en su respuesta:
- Please let me know by Friday if you can attend the meeting.
- Please contact me if there are any vacancies in your company.
- Can you please send me your new catalog?
Líneas de cierre
Estas son algunas líneas de cierre habituales:
- Thank you for your attention.
- Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
- Many thanks.
- I look forward to hearing from you.
El cierre
Cuando finalices el correo electrónico, añade un cierre antes de tu nombre:
- En situaciones formales escribe: Best regards, Kind regards o Sincerely.
- En situaciones informales escribe: Best wishes o Cheers.
Por último, es una buena idea revisar tu correo electrónico antes de enviarlo para asegurarte de que no haya errores ortográficos, que sea claro y que no hayas olvidado ningún punto clave.
A continuación puedes encontrar más información sobre cómo escribir un email profesional.