This list highlights some of the main differences in vocabulary between British and American English. Depending on the region of the U.K. and the United States, speakers may choose certain terms.
British English | American English | Spanish |
Autumn | Fall, autumn | Otoño |
Bill | Check, bill | Cuenta, factura |
Biscuit | Cookie | Galleta |
Bonnet (car) | Hood | Capó |
Boot (car) | Trunk | Maletero |
Car Park | Parking Lot | Aparcamiento |
Chemist´s | Drugstore, Pharmacy | Farmacia |
Chest of drawers | Dresser | Cómoda |
Chips | French fries | Patatas Fritas |
Crisps | Potato chips | Patatas chips |
Cinema | Movie Theater | Cinema |
Crossroads | Intersection | Intersección |
Driving Licence | Driver´s license | Carnet de conducir |
Dummy | Pacifier | Chupete |
Dustbin, bin | Trash can, garbage can | Cubo de la basura |
Estate agent | Real estate agent | Agente inmobiliario |
Estate car | Station wagon | Coche familiar |
Film | Movie | Película |
Flat | Apartment | Piso, apartamento |
Handbag | Purse | Bolso |
Holiday(s) | Vacation | Vacaciones |
Jam | Jelly | Mermelada |
Jelly | Gelatin, Jello | Gelatina |
Jug | Pitcher | Jarra |
Lift | Elevator | Ascensor |
Lorry | Truck | Camión |
Mad | Crazy | Loco |
Maths | Math | Mates |
Motorbike | Motorcycle | Motocicleta |
Motorway | Highway, Freeway, Expressway | Autopista |
Nappy | Diaper | Pañal |
Pants, underpants | Underwear, underpants | Calconcillos |
Pavement | Sidewalk | Acera |
Petrol | Gas, gasoline | Gasolina |
Post | Correo | |
Postbox | Mailbox | Buzón |
Postcode | Zip code | Código postal |
Pub | Bar | Bar |
Return ticket | Round-trip ticket | Viaje de ida y vuelta |
Roundabout | Traffic circle | Rotonda |
Rubber | Eraser | Goma de borrar |
Rubbish | Garbage, trash | Basura |
Shop | Store, shop | Tienda |
Solicitor | Lawyer, attorney | Abogado |
Spanner | Wrench | Llave inglesa |
Sweets | Candy | Caramelos |
Taxi | Cab, taxi | Taxi |
Tea towel | Dish towel | Paño de cocina |
Timetable | Schedule | Horario |
Tin | Can | Lata |
Torch | Flashlight | Linterna |
Trousers | Pants | Pantalones |
Tube, underground | Subway | Metro, tren subterráneo |
Vest | Undershirt | Camiseta interior |
Waistcoat | Vest | Chaleco |
Wellington boots | Rain boots | Botas de agua |
Windscreen | Windshield | Parabrisas |
Zip | Zipper | Cremallera |