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    Resources Articles Improve your english Palabras inglesas que causan confusion

Words in English that cause confusion

There are many words in the English language that cause confusion for students because they are similar in meaning to each other or they are “false friends” (false cognates), which are pairs of words in two languages that seem or sound similar but whose meanings are quite different. An example of a false friend is the word “argument” in English, which means “discusión” in Spanish, not “argumento”. Here is a sample of some of the words that Spanish-speaking students often confuse, with examples to help clarify the different meanings.

Fun & Funny

Fun: noun (diversion) or adjective (divertido). Something that is “fun” is something you really enjoy.

La fiesta de cumpleaños fue divertida.The birthday party was fun

Funny: adjective (gracioso, cómico). If something is “funny” it makes you laugh.

Ese payaso es muy gracioso.That clown is very funny

Assist & Attend

Assist: verb (to help, attend). To help, to be of assistance.

Un representante de servicio al cliente te atenderá en ese mostrador.A customer service representative will assist you at that desk.

Attend: verb (to attend). To be present at a meeting, party, or another event.

Esperamos que todos los invitados asistan a la conferencia.We hope that all the guests will attend the conference.

Work & Job

Work: an uncountable noun (job/work in general) or a verb (to work, function)

Él trabaja 9 horas al día.He works 9 hours a day.

Job: a countable noun (job)

Él ha tenido 3 trabajos diferentes este año.He has had 3 different jobs this year.

Currently & Actually

Currently: adverb (currently). What is happening these days.

Actualmente estoy viviendo en la casa de mis padres.I am currently living in my parents’ house.

Actually: adverb (really, in fact).

Es más fácil decirlo que realmente hacerlo.It is easier to say it than actually do it.

Travel, Journey & Trip

Travel: verb (to travel). To go from one place to another.

¡Me encanta viajar!I love traveling!

Journey: noun (the journey/trip)

Fue fantástico, pero el recorrido en autobús desde Barcelona fue horrible.It was fantastic, but the journey by bus from Barcelona was horrible.

Trip: noun (trip). A short time in another place.

El último viaje que hice fue a París.The last trip I took was to Paris.

See, Look at & Watch

See: verb (to see). To see with your eyes.

¿Has visto la estrella fugaz?Did you see that shooting star?

Look at: verb (to look). When you try to see something or someone.

¡Mira ese niño pequeño! ¡Creo que se va a caer de su bicicleta!Look at that little boy! I think he’s going to fall off his bike!

Watch: verb (to watch a show). To look at something for a period of time.

Vamos a mirar una película después de cenar.Let’s watch a film after dinner.

Stay & Spend

Stay: verb (to stay, remain). To continue in one place or to continue doing something.

¿Dónde os quedasteis cuando fuisteis a París? Nos quedamos en un hotel.Where did you stay when you went to Paris? We stayed at a hotel.

Spend: verb (to spend). To use money or time.

Ayer me pasé el día en la cama. Gastamos la mayoría del dinero en comida y bebidas.Yesterday I spent the whole day in bed. We spent most of the money on food and drinks.
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