Learning English for Spanish speakers can seem quite simple at first because up to 40% of English words have cognates in Spanish.
Cognates are words that sound similar, have similar spelling, and share the same meaning in both languages. Examples of cognates are: teléfono-telephone; persona-person; invitar-invite.
However, there are many words called “false cognates” or “false friends”. In the case of false friends, the English word sounds like a Spanish word, but the two words do not have the same meaning.
Here is a list of false cognates with the Spanish and English translations.
English word | Spanish Translation | Spanish word | English Translation |
Actually | En realidad | Actualmente | Currently |
to Advertise | Anunciar | Advertir | Warn/Caution |
Advice | Consejo | Aviso | Warning |
Argument | Discusión | Argumento (film) | Plot |
to Assist | Ayudar | Asistir | Go to, Attend |
Billion | Mil millones | Billón | Trillion |
Cap | Gorra | Capa | Layer |
Career | Professional career | Carrera (universitaria) | Degree |
Carpet | Rug | Carpeta | Folder |
Cartoon | Animated drawings | Cartón | Cardboard |
Casualty | Victim or injured | Casualidad | Coincidence |
Collar | Collar (of clothes) | Collar | Necklace |
College | University, faculty | Colegio | School |
Complexion | Skin tone | Complejo | Complex |
Conductor | Orchestra conductor | Conductor | Driver |
to be Constipated | To be constipated | Estar constipado | To have a cold |
Contest | Contest | Contestar | To answer |
Deception | Deceit | Decepción | Disappointment |
Dessert | Dessert | Desierto | Desert |
Embarrassed | Embarrassed | Embarazada | Pregnant |
Exit | Exit | Éxito | Success |
Fabric | Fabric | Fábrica | Factory |
Idiom | Idiom | Idioma | Language |
Intoxicated | Drunk | Intoxicado | Food poisoning |
Jam | Jam | Jamón | Ham |
Large | Large | Largo | Long |
Lentil | Lentil | Lentilla | Contact lens |
Letter | Letter | Letra | Lyrics |
Library | Library | Librería | Bookstore |
Mayor | Mayor | Mayor | Older |
Notice | To notice, announcement | Noticia | News |
Office | Office | Oficio | Job or trade |
Pan | Pan | Pan | Bread |
Pie | Pie (dessert) | Pie | Foot |
Place | Place | Plaza | Square |
Prize | Prize | Precio | Price |
to Quit | To abandon | Quitar | To remove |
Quote | Quote/estimate | Cuota | Fee |
to Realize | To realize | Realizar | To do/make |
to Record | To record | Recordar | To remember |
Relative | Relative | Relativo | Relative |
Remove | To remove | Remover | To stir |
Rope | Rope | Ropa | Clothes |
Sane | Sane | Sano | Healthy |
Sensible | Sensible | Sensible | Sensitive |
Soap | Soap | Sopa | Soup |
Spade | Spade | Espada | Sword |
Stranger | Stranger | Extranjero | Foreigner |
to Stretch | To stretch | Estrechar | To become narrow |
Suburb | Affluent city district | Suburbio | Poor district (slum) |
to Support | To support | Soportar | To endure |
Sympathetic | Sympathetic | Simpático | Nice |
Target | Target | Tarjeta | Card |
Terrific | Terrific | Terrorífico | Terrifying |
to Translate | To translate | Trasladarse | To move (house) |
Vacuum | Vacuum | Vacuna | Vaccine |