Time-Related Idioms and Expressions

The Time Has Come!
Set your clock and get ready! Today’s post is about expressions and idioms related to time. The following list contains some of the most commonly used time-related expressions, with explanations and examples to make them clearer.
Against the clock
In a hurry or with very little time.
They are working against the clock to have the house ready for the guests arriving Saturday. |
“Contrarreloj”, means in a hurry or with very little time.
“Están trabajando contrarreloj para tener la casa lista para los huéspedes que llegan el sábado”. |
A day late and a dollar short
Something that comes too late and isn’t worthwhile economically.
Yesterday we bought a used car after searching for weeks. Then today my uncle said we could have had his, but that it needs repairs. A day late and a dollar short! |
“Un día tarde y un dólar corto”, means something arrives too late and isn’t worth it economically.
“Ayer compramos un coche de segunda mano después de buscar durante semanas. Hoy mi tío dijo que podríamos tener el suyo, pero que necesita reparaciones. ¡Un día tarde, un dólar corto!” |
At the eleventh hour
Something that happens at the last minute, almost at the end.
The opposing team scored a goal at the eleventh hour and won the game! |
“A última hora”, means something happens at the very end.
“El equipo marcó un gol a última hora y ¡ganó el partido!”. |
Better late than never
It is better to do or have something late than not at all.
We wanted to give her the birthday present at her party but it wasn’t delivered until 3 days later. Well, better late than never! |
“Mejor tarde que nunca”, means it is better to do or have something late than not at all.
“Queríamos darle su regalo en su fiesta de cumpleaños pero no lo entregaron hasta 3 días después. Bueno, ¡mejor tarde que nunca!”. |
Donkey’s years
For a very long time.
He’s been living in Spain for donkey’s years! It must be 30 years now! |
“Mucho tiempo”, means for a very long time.
“Ha estado viviendo en España muchos años. ¡Deben ser 30 años ya!”. |
Five o’clock shadow
The start of a beard on a man’s face.
When he got home from work he had a five o’clock shadow. |
“Barba de dos días”, means the start of a beard.
“Cuando llegó a casa tenía barba de dos días”. |
In the blink of an eye
Very quickly.
The accident happened in the blink of an eye. |
“En un abrir y cerrar de ojos”, means very quickly.
“El accidente ocurrió en un abrir y cerrar de ojos”. |
In the long run
After a long period of time.
She is very upset about them splitting up but in the long run I think she’ll be happier with someone else. |
“A largo plazo”, means after a long period of time.
“Ella está muy disgustada porque han cortado pero creo que a largo plazo será más feliz con otro”. |
In my own sweet time
In a relaxed way, taking as much time as I want.
Okay, I will paint the house, but in my own sweet time. |
“Tomar mi tiempo”, means in a relaxed way, taking as much time as I want.
“Vale, pintaré la casa pero tomaré mi tiempo”. |
Expresiones relacionadas con el tiempo y la hora

¡Ya ha llegado la hora!
¡Sincroniza tu reloj y prepárate! Hoy la publicación es sobre expresiones y modismos relacionados con el tiempo. La siguiente lista contiene algunas de las expresiones más comunes referentes al paso del tiempo con explicaciones y ejemplos para hacerlas más claras.
Against the clock
In a hurry or with very little time.
They are working against the clock to have the house ready for the guests arriving Saturday. |
“Contrarreloj”, significa de prisa o con muy poco tiempo.
“Están trabajando contrarreloj para tener la casa lista para los huéspedes que llegan el sábado”. |
A day late and a dollar short
Something that comes too late and isn’t worthwhile economically.
Yesterday we bought a used car after searching for weeks. Then today my uncle said we could have had his, but that it needs repairs. A day late and a dollar short!“Un día tarde dolar corto”, significa que algo llega demasiado tarde y no vale la pena económicamente. |
At the eleventh hour
Something that happens at the last minute, almost at the end.
The opposing team scored a goal at the eleventh hour and won the game!"A última hora”, significa que algo que ocurre al final. |
“El equipo marcó un gol a última hora y ¡ganó el partido!”. |
Better late than never
It is better to do or have something late than not at all.
We wanted to give her the birthday present at her party but it wasn’t delivered until 3 days later. Well, better late than never! |
“Mejor tarde que nunca”, significa que es mejor tener o hacer algo tarde que no hacerlo nunca.
“Queríamos darle su regalo en su fiesta de cumpleaños pero no lo entregaron hasta 3 días después. Bueno, ¡mejor tarde que nunca!”. |
Donkey’s years
For a very long time.
He’s been living in Spain for donkey’s years! It must be 30 years now! |
“Mucho tiempo”.
“Ha estado viviendo aquí muchos años. ¡Deben ser 30 años ya!”. |
Five o’clock shadow
The start of a beard coming in on a man’s face.
When he got home from work he had a five o’clock shadow. |
“Barba de dos días”, significa el principio de la barba.
“Cuando llegó a casa tenía barba de dos días”. |
In the blink of an eye
Very quickly.
The accident happened in the blink of an eye. |
“En un abrir y cerrar de ojos”, significa muy rápidamente.
“El accidente ocurrió en un abrir y cerrar de ojos”. |
In the long run
After a long period of time.
She is very upset about them splitting up but in the long run I think she’ll be happier with someone else. |
“A largo plazo”.
“Ella está muy disgustada porque han cortado pero creo que a largo plazo será más feliz con otro”. |
In my own sweet time
In a relaxed way, taking however much time I want.
Okay, I will paint the house, but in my own sweet time. |
“Tomar mi tiempo”.
“Vale, pintaré la casa pero tomaré mi tiempo”. |
Lose track of time
Concentrate on something and not realize how late it is.
We lost track of time at the amusement park and suddenly it was about to close. |
“El tiempo se echa encima”.
“El tiempo se nos echó encima mientras estuvimos en el parque de atracciones y de repente estaba a punto de cerrar”. |
Month of sundays
A very long time.
I haven´t been to the beach in a month of Sundays. |
“Mucho tiempo”.
“No he ido a la playa en mucho tiempo”. |
Once in a blue moon
Very rarely, not often.
- How often do you go jogging? – Almost never. Once in a blue moon I get motivated and go out for a run. |
“De higos a brevas”, significa raramente, no a menudo.
“ – ¿Cada cuánto haces footing? – Casi nunca. De higos a brevas me motivo y salgo a correr”. |
Time on your hands
To have a lot of free time, almost too much.
During summer vacation the children have too much time on their hands. They need to find hobbies. |
“Sobra el tiempo”.
“Durante las vacaciones de verano a los niños les sobra el tiempo. Necesitan encontrar pasatiempos”. |
For the time being
For now.
I studied Marketing but for the time being I´m working as a waitress. |
“De momento”.
“Yo estudié Marketing pero de momento estoy trabajando como camarera”. |
Nick of time
Just in time, at the very last minute.
We caught the flight in the nick of time. |
“Justo a tiempo”.
“Cogimos el vuelo justo a tiempo”. |
Pressed for time
When you don’t have enough time to do something, in a hurry.
Sorry, I can’t talk right now, I’m working on my presentation and I’m pressed for time! |
“Quedar poco tiempo”.
“Lo siento, no puedo hablar ahora, estoy trabajando en mi presentación y me queda poco tiempo”. |
Small hours
Hours after midnight.
She had to study into the small hours for her exam. |
“La madrugada”.
“Ella tuvo que estudiar durante la madrugada para su examen”. |