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Better safe than sorry.

Translation result
Más vale prevenir que lamentar. Better safe than sorry.

better sustantivo

1. Something superior in quality or condition or effect.

The new smartphone is considered a better, with its advanced camera and faster processor making it a top choice among tech enthusiasts. El nuevo teléfono inteligente se considera mejor, con su cámara avanzada y procesador más rápido lo convierte en la opción preferida entre los entusiastas de la tecnología.

2. Someone who bets.

The bookie was surprised when he discovered that his better had won again, making it a winning streak of five games in a row. El librajo se sorprendió cuando descubrió que su esposa había ganado otra vez, lo que convertía en una racha de cinco partidos seguidos.

3. A superior person having claim to precedence.

The elder son was considered the better in matters of family business, and his opinions were often sought by his siblings. El hijo mayor era considerado el mejor en asuntos de negocios familiares y sus opiniones eran a menudo solicitadas por sus hermanos.

4. The superior one of two alternatives.

In the final round, Better was pitted against its arch-rival, Good, in a battle for supremacy in the software industry. En la ronda final, Mejor se enfrentó contra su rival máximo, Bueno, en una batalla por la supremacía en la industria del software.

safe adjetivo

1. Free from danger or the risk of harm.

The lifeguard ensured that the swimmers were in a safe area, away from the strong currents and rip tides. El guardián de la playa aseguró que los nadadores estaban en una área segura, alejados de las corrientes fuertes y mareas roqueras.

2. (of an undertaking) secure from risk.

The company's financial plans were considered safe, with a diversified portfolio and minimal debt, which helped them weather the economic downturn. Los planes financieros de la empresa se consideraron seguros, con un portafolio diversificado y deuda mínima, lo que les permitió resistir la crisis económica.

3. Having reached a base without being put out.

The runner touched home plate safe and sound, celebrating his team's go-ahead run in the bottom of the ninth inning. El corredor tocó el plato de casa seguro y salvo, celebrando el carrera ganadora de su equipo en la parte inferior de la novena entrada.

4. Financially sound.

After years of saving and investing, John felt financially safe, knowing that he had enough money to cover his expenses for the next few years. After años de ahorrar y invertir, Juan se sentía financieramente seguro, sabiendo que tenía suficiente dinero para cubrir sus gastos durante los próximos años.

sorry adjetivo

1. Feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone.

The sorry state of their relationship was evident in the way they barely looked at each other during dinner, both lost in their own thoughts about what could have been. El lamentable estado de su relación era evidente en la forma en que apenas se miraban el uno al otro durante la cena, ambos perdidos en sus propios pensamientos sobre lo que podría haber sido.

2. Bad.

She was sorry to hear about her grandmother's passing, and she immediately went to the funeral. Ella se sintió arrepentida de saber sobre el fallecimiento de su abuela y fue a la funeral inmediatamente.

3. Without merit.

The sorry excuse he gave didn't fool anyone, and we knew it was just a weak attempt to get out of trouble. La excusa lábil que dio no engañó a nadie, y sabíamos que era solo un intento débil por salir del aprieto.

4. Causing dejection.

The sorry news of her passing spread quickly through the community, leaving many people in tears. La triste noticia de su fallecimiento se difundió rápidamente por la comunidad, dejando a muchos personas en lágrimas.