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Humor is just another defense against the universe.

Translation result
El humor es sólo otra defensa contra el universo. Humor is just another defense against the universe.

humor sustantivo

1. A message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter.

The comedian's use of irony and wordplay added a layer of humor to his stand-up routine, leaving the audience in stitches. El uso del comediante de ironía y juego de palabras agregó un nivel de humor a su rutina de stand-up, dejando al público en convulsiones.

2. The trait of appreciating (and being able to express) the humorous.

Her quick wit and sharp humor had everyone in stitches at the party, making her the life of the social gathering. Su ingenio rápido y su sentido del humor afilado hicieron que todos se rieran a carcajadas en la fiesta, convirtiéndola en el centro de atención social.

3. A characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling.

After a few glasses of wine, her humor turned melancholic, and she began to reminisce about old friends. Después de unos pocos vasos de vino, el sentido del humor de ella se tornó melancólico y comenzó a recordar viejos amigos.

4. The quality of being funny.

The comedian's unique humor had the audience in stitches, and he became a household name overnight. El humor único del comediante tenía al público en convulsiones, y él se convirtió en un nombre familiar de la noche a la mañana.

5. (middle ages) one of the four fluids in the body whose balance was believed to determine your emotional and physical state.

In ancient medical texts, the four humors - blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile - were believed to be responsible for regulating an individual's temperament and overall well-being. En textos médicos antiguos, se creía que los cuatro humores - sangre, flema, bilis amarilla y bilis negra - eran responsables de regular el temperamento y el bienestar general de una persona individualmente.

6. The liquid parts of the body.

The doctor examined the patient's humor to determine if it was within a healthy range. El doctor examinó el sentido del paciente para determinar si estaba dentro de un rango saludable.

just adverbio

1. And nothing more.

I've just finished my homework, so I'm ready to go out with friends tonight. (Here, "just" indicates that the speaker has completed their homework and is now free to do something else.) Hecho mi tarea recién, así que estoy listo para salir con amigos esta noche." (Note: The translation is literal, maintaining the same structure and meaning as the original sentence.)

2. Indicating exactness or preciseness.

The scientist carefully measured the sample just to get the precise reading, ensuring accurate results in her research. El científico midió cuidadosamente la muestra solo para obtener la lectura precisa, asegurando resultados precisos en su investigación.

3. Only a moment ago.

I just received a text message from my friend, and now I have to respond immediately. Acabo de recibir un mensaje de texto de mi amigo y ahora tengo que responder inmediatamente.

4. Absolutely.

I'm just not going to tolerate this behavior anymore, I've had enough! (Here, "just" emphasizes that the speaker is absolutely unwilling to put up with the behavior.) No voy a tolerar esto más, ya estoy harto. (Aquí, "sólo" enfatiza que el hablante está absolutamente dispuesto a no aguantar este comportamiento).

5. Only a very short time before.

I just arrived from the party and am still catching my breath; it was so crazy! Acabo de llegar desde la fiesta y estoy todavía recuperándome; fue tan loco!

6. Exactly at this moment or the moment described.

I just arrived, so I haven't had a chance to unpack yet. Acabo de llegar, así que todavía no he tenido tiempo para desempaquetar aún.

defense sustantivo

1. (military) military action or resources protecting a country against potential enemies.

The government increased its defense budget to upgrade the army's arsenal and enhance its capabilities in case of an attack. El gobierno aumentó su presupuesto de defensa para actualizar el arsenal del ejército y mejorar sus capacidades en caso de un ataque.

2. Protection from harm.

The military unit was stationed in the country to provide defense against potential invaders. El unidad militar se estacionó en el país para proporcionar defensa contra posibles invasores.

3. (sports) the team that is trying to prevent the other team from scoring.

The home team's defense was solid all game, holding their opponents to just one goal in the 2-1 victory. La defensa del equipo local fue sólida durante todo el partido, manteniendo a sus oponentes con solo un gol en la victoria por 2-1.

4. The justification for some act or belief.

The lawyer presented a strong defense of his client's actions, arguing that they were taken in good faith and not motivated by malice. El abogado presentó una defensa fuerte de las acciones de su cliente, argumentando que fueron tomadas con buena fe y no motivadas por mala intención.

5. (psychiatry) an unconscious process that tries to reduce the anxiety associated with instinctive desires.

The therapist helped her client recognize the defense mechanisms she was using to avoid confronting her repressed feelings of guilt. El terapéuta ayudó a su cliente a reconocer los mecanismos de defensa que estaba utilizando para evitar confrontar sus sentimientos de culpa reprimidos.

6. The federal department responsible for safeguarding national security of the united states.

The Department of Defense has been working closely with Congress to allocate funds for new military technology and infrastructure upgrades. El Departamento de Defensa ha estado trabajando estrechamente con el Congreso para asignar fondos para nueva tecnología militar y mejoras en la infraestructura.

7. The defendant and his legal advisors collectively.

The defense presented its case to the jury, arguing that their client was not guilty of the charges. La defensa presentó su caso ante el jurado, argumentando que su cliente no era culpable de las acusaciones.

8. The speech act of answering an attack on your assertions.

During the debate, the politician's defense of his economic policy was met with skepticism by his opponent. Durante el debate, la defensa del político de su política económica fue recibida con escepticismo por su oponente.

9. An organization of defenders that provides resistance against attack.

The military defense was heavily fortified to protect against enemy invasion, and its troops were well-trained to repel any attacks. La defensa militar estaba fuertemente fortificada para protegerse contra la invasión enemiga y sus tropas estaban bien entrenadas para rechazar cualquier ataque.

10. A structure used to defend against attack.

The ancient city's defense wall had stood strong for centuries, protecting its inhabitants from invaders. La muralla de la ciudad antigua había permanecido firme durante siglos, protegiendo a sus habitantes de los invasores.

11. A defendant's answer or plea denying the truth of the charges against him.

The lawyer prepared a strong defense, arguing that her client was not responsible for the alleged crime. El abogado preparó una defensa sólida, argumentando que su cliente no era responsable del delito supuesto.

12. The act of defending someone or something against attack or injury.

The military deployed its defense forces to protect the city from the invading army. El ejército desplegó sus fuerzas de defensa para proteger la ciudad del ejército invasor.

universe sustantivo

1. Everything that exists anywhere.

The vastness of the universe is a reminder of how small and insignificant our existence is in comparison. La vastedad del universo es un recordatorio de cómo pequeña y insignificante es nuestra existencia en comparación con ella.

2. (statistics) the entire aggregation of items from which samples can be drawn.

The marketing researcher analyzed a random sample of customers from the universe of all possible buyers to gain insights into consumer behavior. El investigador de marketing analizó una muestra aleatoria de clientes desde el universo de todos los posibles compradores para obtener insigths sobre el comportamiento del consumidor.

3. Everything stated or assumed in a given discussion.

The professor carefully navigated the universe of complex ideas presented in the lecture, clarifying any misunderstandings and providing additional context for students. El profesor navegó con cuidado el universo de ideas complejas presentadas en la conferencia, aclarando cualquier malentendido y proporcionando contexto adicional para los estudiantes.