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    Resources Translator

Stop trying to show up your sister. You both did very well this year in school.

Translation result
Deja de intentar mostrar a tu hermana. A ambos les fue muy bien este año en la escuela. Stop trying to show up your sister. You both did very well this year in school.

stop noun

1. The event of something ending.

The stop of the music was sudden and unexpected, leaving everyone in stunned silence. El cese del música fue repentina y inesperado, dejando a todos en un silencio atónito.

2. The act of stopping something.

The referee called a stop to the game after the fight broke out on the field. El árbitro detuvo el partido después de que se peleara en el campo.

3. A brief stay in the course of a journey.

After a long day of driving, we made a stop at a quaint bed and breakfast for the night, enjoying a warm dinner and comfortable room. Después de un largo día conduciendo, paramos en una encantadora posada y albergue para pasar la noche, disfrutando de una cálida cena y una habitación cómoda.

4. The state of inactivity following an interruption.

After the power outage, the entire city was plunged into stop for several hours until the generators could be restarted. Después del apagón eléctrico, toda la ciudad fue sumida en el silencio durante varias horas hasta que los generadores pudieron ser reiniciados.

5. A spot where something halts or pauses.

The coach called a stop on the play to regroup and adjust their strategy before attempting the next drive. El entrenador detuvo el juego para reagruparse y ajustar su estrategia antes de intentar el próximo drive.

6. A consonant produced by stopping the flow of air at some point and suddenly releasing it.

The phonetic transcription of the word "pat" includes the stop consonant /t/, which is pronounced with sudden release of air. La transcripción fonética de la palabra "pat" incluye el consonante oclusivo /t/, que se pronuncia con un rápido escape del aire.

7. A punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations.

The author carefully placed a stop at the end of each paragraph to separate it from the next, creating a clear and readable format for the reader. El autor colocó con cuidado un punto y aparte al final de cada párrafo para separarlo del siguiente, creando un formato claro y legible para el lector.

8. (music) a knob on an organ that is pulled to change the sound quality from the organ pipes.

The organist expertly manipulated the stop to switch between the flute and the violin sounds, creating a rich and dynamic texture in the music. El organista manipuló hábilmente la palanca para cambiar entre los sonidos de flauta y violín, creando un tejido rico y dinámico en la música.

9. A mechanical device in a camera that controls size of aperture of the lens.

The photographer adjusted the stop on her camera to achieve a shallow depth of field, blurring the background and emphasizing the subject. La fotógrafa ajustó el diafragmado en su cámara para lograr un campo de profundidad superficial, desenfocando el fondo y enfatizando la imagen subjetiva.

10. A restraint that checks the motion of something.

The mechanic installed a stop on the engine to prevent it from overheating during long drives. El mecánico instaló un freno en el motor para evitar que se sobrecalientara durante largos viajes.

11. An obstruction in a pipe or tube.

The plumber had to remove the stop from the clogged drain pipe before it could be cleaned and reused. El plomero tuvo que quitar el tapón del tubo de drenaje atascado antes de que pudiera ser limpiado y reutilizado.

show verb

1. Give an exhibition of to an interested audience.

The art museum will show a new collection of impressionist paintings tomorrow evening. El museo de arte mostrará una nueva colección de pinturas impresionistas por la tarde mañana.

2. Establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment.

The scientist spent years collecting data to show that the new medical treatment was effective in curing the disease. El científico pasó años recopilando datos para demostrar que el nuevo tratamiento médico era efectivo para curar la enfermedad.

3. Provide evidence for.

The detective spent hours reviewing the security footage to show that the suspect was at the scene of the crime. El detective pasó horas revisando la grabación de seguridad para demostrar que el sospechoso estaba en el lugar del crimen.

4. Make visible or noticeable.

The curator decided to show the rare artifact in a special exhibit, allowing visitors to marvel at its intricate details. El conservador decidió mostrar el artefacto raro en una exposición especial, permitiendo a los visitantes admirar sus detalles intrincados.

5. Show in, or as in, a picture.

The artist's latest painting shows a stunning sunset over the ocean, with vibrant hues of orange and pink. El último cuadro del artista muestra un atardecer impresionante sobre el océano, con tonos vibrantes de naranja y rosa.

6. Give expression to.

The painter was able to show her emotions through the vibrant colors and bold brushstrokes in her latest artwork. El pintor fue capaz de mostrar sus emociones a través de los colores vivos y pinceladas audaces en su última obra de arte.

7. Indicate a place, direction, person, or thing.

The real estate agent showed us around the property to highlight its best features. (indicating a place) El agente inmobiliario nos mostró alrededor de la propiedad para destacar sus mejores características. (indicando un lugar)

8. Be or become visible or noticeable.

As the sun rose over the horizon, the city began to show through the fog, revealing its towering skyscrapers and bustling streets. Mientras el sol se alzaba sobre el horizonte, la ciudad empezó a hacerse visible a través del neblina, revelando sus rascacielos imponentes y calles emprendedoras.

9. Indicate a certain reading.

The gauge on the dashboard began to show 25 miles per hour, warning me that I was speeding. El indicador en el tablero de mandos empezó a mostrar 25 millas por hora, advirtiéndome que estaba conduciendo a velocidad excesiva.

10. Give evidence of, as of records.

The accountant was able to show that the company's financial records were in order, satisfying the auditors' concerns. El contable fue capaz de demostrar que los registros financieros de la empresa estaban en orden, lo que satisfizo las preocupaciones de los auditores.

11. Take (someone) to their seats, as in theaters or auditoriums.

The usher showed us to our seats in the orchestra section, and we settled in just as the lights dimmed. El mayordomo nos condujo a nuestros asientos en la sección de ópera y nos instalamos justo cuando las luces se apagaron.

12. Finish third or better in a horse or dog race.

The thoroughbred was expected to show well at the Kentucky Derby, given its impressive track record. El purasangre se esperaba que mostrara bien en el Derby de Kentucky, dado su impresionante historial de competencia.


Pronoun Conjugation
I show.
You show.
He/She/It shows.
We show.
You show.
They show.
Complete conjugation.

sister noun

1. A female person who has the same parents as another person.

As we sat on the porch, my sister and I reminisced about our childhood summers spent at Grandma's house. Mientras nos sentamos en la galería, mi hermana y yo recordamos nuestros veranos infantiles pasados en la casa de la abuela.

2. (roman catholic church) a title given to a nun (and used as a form of address).

Sister Mary Teresa welcomed me warmly at the convent, and we sat down for a cup of tea together. Hermana María Teresa me acogió calurosamente en el convento y nos sentamos para tomar un tazón de té juntos.

3. A female person who is a fellow member of a sorority or labor union or other group.

At the annual convention, all the sisters of Delta Gamma Sorority came together to celebrate their shared values and achievements. En la convención anual, todas las hermanas de la Fraternidad Delta Gamma se reunieron para celebrar sus valores y logros compartidos.

4. (slang) sometimes used as a term of address for attractive young women.

As I walked into the bar, my friend yelled out "What's up, sister?" to grab everyone's attention. Mientras caminaba hacia el bar, mi amiga gritó '¿Qué pasa, hermana?' para llamar la atención de todos.

very adverbio

1. Used as intensifiers.

She is very talented and has been recognized for her exceptional skills in music. (In this sentence, "very" emphasizes the extent of her talent.) Ella es muy talentosa y ha sido reconocida por sus habilidades musicales excepcionales. (En esta oración, "muy" destaca el grado de su talento.)
The weather was very hot yesterday, so we decided to stay indoors. (Here, "very" intensifies the meaning of "hot", making it clear that the temperature was extremely high.) El tiempo fue muy caliente ayer, por lo que decidimos quedarnos dentro. (Aquí, "muy" intensifica el significado de "caliente", haciendo claro que la temperatura era extremadamente alta).

2. Precisely so.

The chef added very precisely measured amounts of seasoning to ensure the dish turned out perfect. El chef añadió cantidades de condimento muy precisamente medidas para asegurarse de que la comida saliera perfecta.
The scientist carefully calculated the very exact coordinates for the experiment, ensuring accurate results. El científico calculó con cuidado las coordenadas muy precisas para el experimento, garantizando resultados precisos.

well adverb

1. (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well').

The chef well prepared the meal, ensuring that every ingredient was fresh and cooked to perfection. El chef preparó bien la comida, asegurándose de que cada ingrediente fuera fresco y cocido con perfección.

2. Thoroughly or completely.

She well researched the topic before giving her presentation, ensuring that she covered all aspects of it. Ella investigó bien el tema antes de dar su presentación, asegurándose de que cubriera todos los aspectos de él.

3. Indicating high probability.

It's well that we arrived early, or we would have missed the concert. (In this sentence, "well" indicates that it was fortunate or likely that they arrived early.) Es bien que llegáramos temprano, porque si no hubiésemos llegado a tiempo, habríamos perdido el concierto. (En esta oración, "bien" indica que fue afortunado o probable que llegaran temprano.)

4. (used for emphasis or as an intensifier) entirely or fully.

She did well, finishing the project entirely on her own without any help from others. Ella lo hizo bien, terminó el proyecto completamente sola sin ayuda de nadie más.

5. To a suitable or appropriate extent or degree.

She studied hard well into the night, determined to ace her exam. Ella estudió con esfuerzo bien hasta la noche, decidida a aprobar su examen con distinction.

6. Favorably.

The new restaurant has been doing well since it opened, with customers raving about the delicious food and friendly service. El nuevo restaurante ha estado haciendo bien desde que abrió, con los clientes elogiando la comida deliciosa y el servicio amistoso.

7. To a great extent or degree.

The new policy has been well received by the employees, with many expressing their gratitude and enthusiasm for the changes. La nueva política ha sido bien recibida por los empleados, muchos de ellos han expresado su gratitud y entusiasmo por los cambios.

8. With great or especially intimate knowledge.

The doctor examined the patient well, diagnosing the rare condition with precision and accuracy. El médico examinó al paciente bien, diagnosticando la condición rara con precisión y exactitud.

9. With prudence or propriety.

She handled the sensitive situation well, choosing her words carefully to avoid offending anyone. Ella manejo la situación sensible bien, elegiendo cuidadosamente sus palabras para evitar ofender a nadie.

10. With skill or in a pleasing manner.

She sings well, and her voice has a soothing quality that calms the nerves of those who listen. Ella canta bien y su voz tiene una calidad tranquilizadora que calma los nervios de aquellos que la escuchan.

11. In a manner affording benefit or advantage.

The company's new marketing strategy has been working well, resulting in a significant increase in sales and customer engagement. Estrategia de marketing de la empresa nueva ha funcionado bien, lo que ha resultado en un aumento significativo de las ventas y la participación del cliente.

12. In financial comfort.

After landing a high-paying job, John found himself living well and able to afford a luxurious vacation home. Después de obtener un trabajo bien remunerado, Juan se encontró viviendo en estilo y siendo capaz de permitirse una lujosa casa de vacaciones.

13. Without unusual distress or resentment.

She took the news well, and we were all relieved that she was handling it so calmly. Ella tomó la noticia bien, y nos sentimos todos aliviados de que estuviera manejiéndola con tanta calma.

year sustantivo

1. A period of time containing 365 (or 366) days.

The new employee celebrated her first year at the company with a bonus and a promotion. El nuevo empleado celebró su primer año en la empresa con un premio y una promoción.

2. A period of time occupying a regular part of a calendar year that is used for some particular activity.

The school's annual talent show takes place during the spring year, and students from all grades are encouraged to participate. La ceremonia de talentos anual del colegio tiene lugar durante el año primaveral, y se anima a los estudiantes de todos los grados a participar.

3. The period of time that it takes for a planet (as, e.g., earth or mars) to make a complete revolution around the sun.

Astronomers study the Earth's orbit to better understand its elliptical path and its approximately 365.25-day year, which affects the timing of planetary alignments. Astrónomos estudian el órbita de la Tierra para comprender mejor su trayectoria elíptica y su aproximadamente año de 365,25 días, lo que afecta al cronograma de las alineaciones planetarias.

4. A body of students who graduate together.

The graduating year at Harvard University was honored with a special ceremony, marking their accomplishment after four years of hard work and dedication. El año de graduación en la Universidad de Harvard fue condecorado con una ceremonia especial, marcando su logro después de cuatro años de duro trabajo y dedicación.

school noun

1. An educational institution.

The students at my alma mater, Lincoln School, still keep in touch with each other through social media. Los estudiantes de mi alma máter, Escuela Lincoln, aún mantienen el contacto entre sí a través de las redes sociales.

2. A building where young people receive education.

The students walked into the school building, excited to start their new semester. Los estudiantes caminaron hacia el edificio de la escuela, emocionados por empezar su nuevo semestre.

3. The process of being formally educated at a school.

After completing high school, she decided to attend college and pursue a degree in engineering. Después de terminar el bachillerato, decidió asistir a la universidad y perseguir un título en ingeniería.

4. A body of creative artists or writers or thinkers linked by a similar style or by similar teachers.

The Surrealist school of art was characterized by its use of dream-like imagery and unconventional techniques. La escuela de arte surrealista se caracterizó por su uso de imágenes inspiradas en los sueños y técnicas poco convencionales.

5. The period of instruction in a school.

During her time at school, she excelled in mathematics and science, earning top grades in both subjects. Durante su tiempo en la escuela, destacó en matemáticas y ciencia, obteniendo las mejores calificaciones en ambos temas.

6. An educational institution's faculty and students.

The school came together to celebrate the graduation of its first class, with teachers, administrators, and over 200 students in attendance. La escuela se reunificó para celebrar la graduación de su primera clase, con profesores, administradores y más de 200 estudiantes asistentes.

7. A large group of fish.

The angler's boat drifted quietly above the surface as she waited for the school of fish to swim by, their scales shimmering in the sunlight. El barco del pescador flotó silenciosamente sobre la superficie mientras esperaba que el grupo de peces nadara por allí, sus escamas brillando bajo la luz solar.