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The early bird catches the worm.

Translation result
El pájaro madrugador atrapa el gusano. The early bird catches the worm.

early adjetivo

1. At or near the beginning of a period of time or course of events or before the usual or expected time.

The company launched its new product early in order to get a head start in the market and gain a competitive edge. La empresa lanzó su nuevo producto temprano para obtener una ventaja en el mercado y tener una posición competitiva.

2. Being or occurring at an early stage of development.

The company's early days were marked by financial struggles, but they eventually found success with a new product line. Los primeros días de la empresa fueron marcados por problemas financieros, pero eventualmente encontraron el éxito con una nueva línea de productos.

3. Belonging to the distant past.

The early civilizations of Mesopotamia left behind a rich legacy of architecture and art. Las civilizaciones primitivas de Mesopotamia dejaron atrás un rico legado de arquitectura y arte.

4. Very young.

The early butterflies that emerged from their cocoons were still learning how to fly, their delicate wings fluttering unsteadily in the breeze. Los mariposas tempranas que emergieron de sus crisálidas aún estaban aprendiendo a volar, sus delicadas alas revoloteando inestablemente en el viento.

5. Of an early stage in the development of a language or literature.

The linguist studied the earliest forms of Old English to better understand its early evolution into Middle English. El lingüista estudió las formas más antiguas del inglés antiguo para comprender mejor su evolución temprana hacia el inglés medieval.

6. Expected in the near future.

The company plans to launch its new product early next quarter, giving it a head start on the competition. La empresa planea lanzar su nuevo producto al principio del próximo trimestre, lo que le dará un impulso en la competencia.

bird sustantivo

1. Warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings.

The bird perched on the windowsill, its bright plumage glistening in the morning light. El pájaro se posó en el alféizar de la ventana, su plumaje brillante reluciendo a la luz matutina.

2. The flesh of a bird or fowl (wild or domestic) used as food.

The chef carefully seasoned the roasted bird with herbs and spices before serving it to the dinner guests. El chef cuidadosamente sazonó el ave asada con hierbas y especias antes de servirla a los invitados para cenar.

3. Informal terms for a (young) woman.

4. A cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt.

The bird sounded off its discontent with a loud squawk when I took away its food. El pájaro sonó su descontento con un fuerte chillido cuando te quité su comida.

5. Badminton equipment consisting of a ball of cork or rubber with a crown of feathers.

The tennis player expertly hit the bird over the net, watching as it soared towards her opponent's court. El tenista experto golpeó con destreza al ave sobre la red, viendo cómo se elevaba hacia el campo de su oponente.

worm noun

1. Any of numerous relatively small elongated soft-bodied animals especially of the phyla annelida and chaetognatha and nematoda and nemertea and platyhelminthes.

The gardener carefully removed the worms from the soil to prevent them from damaging the young plants. El jardinero retiró con cuidado los gusanos del suelo para evitar que les dañaran a las plantas jóvenes.

2. A person who has a nasty or unethical character undeserving of respect.

The politician was widely regarded as a worm for his willingness to manipulate the system and step on others to get ahead. El político fue ampliamente considerado un gusano por su disposición a manipular el sistema y pisar a otros para ascender.

3. A software program capable of reproducing itself that can spread from one computer to the next over a network.

The IT department was alerted to a worm spreading rapidly across the company's network, threatening to compromise sensitive data and disrupt operations. El departamento de TI se alertó sobre un gusano que se estaba extendiendo rápidamente por la red de la empresa, amenazando con comprometer datos sensibles y interrumpir las operaciones.

4. Screw thread on a gear with the teeth of a worm wheel or rack.

The engineer carefully inspected the worm on the gearbox to ensure it was properly aligned before assembly. El ingeniero inspeccionó cuidadosamente el gusano en la caja de cambios para asegurarse de que estuviera correctamente alineado antes de la montaje.