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The doctor examined the wound and declared that it was now clean, ready for stitches. El médico examinó la herida y declaró que ahora estaba limpia, lista para suturar.
2. ritually clean or pure.
The priest ensured that the devotee was clean before performing the sacred rituals, ensuring their spiritual purity. El sacerdote se aseguró de que el devoto estuviera limpio antes de realizar los rituales sagrados, garantizando su pureza espiritual.
3. not spreading pollution or contamination.
The clean energy company is working to reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainable practices in the industry. La empresa de energía limpia está trabajando para reducir su huella de carbono y promover prácticas sostenibles en la industria.
4. (of behavior or especially language) free from objectionable elements.
The comedian's clean humor made him a favorite among families and children, who appreciated his ability to make them laugh without resorting to inappropriate jokes. El humor limpio del comediante lo convirtió en una favorita entre las familias y los niños, quienes apreciaron su capacidad para hacerles reír sin recurrir a chistes inapropiados.