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    Learn Courses Business english Finding work Interviews

Typical Interview Questions

  How would you describe yourself?
  What interests you about this position?
  Why did you choose this career?
  Explain what you did in your last job.
  Why did you leave your last job?
  Can you explain this gap in your employment history?
  What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
  Do you prefer working alone or in teams?
  How do you work under pressure?
  What are you expectations regarding promotions and salary increases?
  What are your long-term career objectives?
  Describe the best boss you ever had.
  Why should we hire you?
  What qualifications do you have that would make you successful in this position?
  Have you ever been fired or forced to resign?
  Do you consider yourself a leader?

Sample Interview

Mrs. Jones works at the Seaside Restaurant and is interviewing James for a waiter position.

Mrs. Jones:

  Hello. Nice to meet you.


  Hello. Yes, it’s nice to meet you too.

Mrs. Jones:

  Well, James, I have looked at your résumé and I wanted to ask you a few questions.


  Yes, of course.

Mrs. Jones:

  Please explain what you did in your last job and why you left.


  I was working at Sam’s Deli preparing sandwiches and other food orders for customers. I really enjoyed preparing the food, but what I liked most was the direct contact with the customers. When the summer season ended, my boss didn’t need as much staff. Now I am looking for a position serving customers as a waiter.

Mrs. Jones:

  Did you serve people at tables at Sam’s Deli or only prepare the food?


  Sometimes when we were short on wait staff I would serve customers at the tables.

Mrs. Jones:

  What would your last boss say about you?


  I think he would say that I was a very hard worker, responsible and very friendly with everyone at the Deli.

Mrs. Jones:

  You also worked at a bakery a few summers ago. Tell me about that.


  Yes, I worked two summers in a row at the bakery. I had direct contact with the customers all day and I really enjoyed it.

Mrs. Jones:

  What about your studies? Are you still in school?


  Yes, this coming year will be my last year at university. I’m finishing my degree in Marketing.

Mrs. Jones:

  That’s an interesting field. What hours are you available during the week and on the weekends?


  Starting on the 15th, I will be studying Monday to Friday in the mornings from 9:00 to 2:00 and I will be available to work anytime after 2:00. On Saturdays and Sundays I am available all day.

Mrs. Jones:

  Good, we mostly need waiters for the dinner shift.

Mrs. Jones:

  Tell me why you think I should hire you for this position.


  I am a very responsible and hard-working person and I have really good customer service skills. I think I am a very friendly person and the customers will be happy with my service.

Mrs. Jones:

  Well, it was great to meet you and I will be in touch in the next week about this position, ok?


  Yes, okay. Thank you very much.
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