Choose the word to complete the sentence: bold / back / e-mail / print / folder / laptop / mouse / password / user name / download / search / ASAP
Example My colleague sent me an ____ about the meeting.1 of 10 You should save all the documents in this _____.2 of 10 Click on the left button of the _____.3 of 10 A lot of people _____ music from the internet.4 of 10 You can _____ for cheap flights online.5 of 10 If you want to emphasize something put the words in _____.6 of 10 Can I _____ this document on that printer?7 of 10 When you set up an account you need to choose a user name and a secret _____.8 of 10 Go _____ to the first folder.9 of 10 I prefer using a _____ than a regular computer. I can bring it anywhere.10 of 10 Confirm your attendance _____.