Vocabulary |
@ (at) |
address book |
anti-virus software |
attached files |
back |
backup copy |
bit, bytes |
Bluetooth |
bold |
box |
browser |
button |
database |
desktop |
e-mail |
file |
folder |
font |
hard disk |
icon |
inbox |
keyboard |
laptop |
link |
memory |
mouse |
network |
operating system |
password |
printer |
program |
scanner |
screen |
server |
toolbar |
trash |
user name |
virus |
the Web |
Verbs |
to browse |
to download |
to drag |
to format |
to log in |
to log out |
to print |
to save |
to scan |
to search |
to stop |
to subscribe |
to upload |
Common Abbreviations
The use of abbreviations is very common when speaking about computers, SMS, Twitter, etc. Below is a list of the most common abbreviations.
Abbreviation | Meaning |
ASAP | as soon as possible |
@ | at |
BTW | by the way… |
CC | carbon copy |
DM | direct message |
EN | English |
MT | modified tweet |
NSFW | not safe for work |
PDF | portable document format |
PRT | partial retweet |
RT | retweet |
TT | trending topic |
FYI | for your information |
LOL | laughing out loud |
ROFL | rolling on floor laughing |
TKS | thanks |
WTF | what the f**k! |
BB | Blackberry |
FB | Facebook |
IP | Internet Protocol address |
LI | LinkedIn |
PS | Playstation |
TW | Twitter |
YT | YouTube |
EM | e-mail |
Vocabulario |
@ (at) arroba |
address book libreta de direcciones/agenda de contactos |
anti-virus software software anti-virus |
attached files archivos adjuntos |
back atras |
backup copy copia de seguridad |
bit, bytes bit/bytes |
Bluetooth Bluetooth |
bold negrita |
box casilla |
browser navegador |
button botón |
database base de datos |
desktop escritorio |
e-mail correo electrónico |
file archivo |
folder carpeta |
font tipo de letra |
hard disk disco duro |
icon icono |
inbox bandeja de entrada |
keyboard teclado |
laptop portátil |
link enlace |
memory memoria |
mouse ratón |
network red |
operating system sistema operativo |
password contraseña |
printer impresora |
program programa |
scanner escaner |
screen pantalla |
server servidor |
toolbar barra de herramientas |
trash elementos eliminados |
user name nombre de usuario |
virus virus |
the Web la red |
Verbs Verbos |
to browse navegar |
to download descargar/bajar |
to drag arrastrar |
to format formatear |
to log in entrar/iniciar sesión/acceder |
to log out salir/terminar sesión |
to print imprimir |
to save guardar |
to scan escanear |
to search buscar |
to stop detener |
to subscribe subscribirse |
to upload subir/cargar |
Common Abbreviations (abreviaturas comunes)
El uso de abreviaturas es muy común cuando hablamos de ordenadores, SMS, Twitter, etc. A continuación tenemos una lista de las abreviaturas más comunes.
Abbreviation | Meaning |
ASAP | as soon as possible lo antes posible |
@ | at a la atención de… |
BTW | by the way… por cierto… |
CC | carbon copy con copia a |
DM | direct message mensaje directo |
EN | English inglés |
MT | modified tweet tuit modificado |
NSFW | not safe for work puede ser peligroso abrirlo en el trabajo |
PDF | portable document format formato de documento portátil |
PRT | partial retweet retuit parcial |
RT | retweet retuit |
TT | trending topic temas del momento |
FYI | for your information para tu información |
LOL | laughing out loud riendo a carcajadas |
ROFL | rolling on floor laughing rodando por el suelo de risa |
TKS | thanks gracias |
WTF | what the f**k! ¡pero qué! |
BB | Blackberry Blackberry |
FB | Facebook Facebook |
IP | Internet Protocol address dirección de IP |
LI | LinkedIn LinkedIn |
PS | Playstation Playstation |
TW | Twitter Twitter |
YT | YouTube YouTube |
EM | e-mail correo electrónico |