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    Resources Articles Articles of interest Que haces para cuidar de nuestro planeta

How Can You Help Take Care of Our Planet?

Actions You Can Take

You can help reduce greenhouse gases and the negative impacts they are causing on our environment. Below we provide you with 10 easy ways to live a “greener” life and contribute to this cause:


That glass bottle won’t just become another bottle; recycling also reduces pollution, decreases the amount of “trash” that ends up in landfills, and creates jobs!


Reuse gift wrap, bags in good condition, and ribbons for gifts or crafts with kids. Donate clothes and toys you no longer use to those in need. You can also turn something you no longer use into something useful, for example, use a shoebox to store pencils, crayons, and stickers.

Save Electricity

Switch to sustainable alternatives, like hanging clothes out to dry when it’s sunny or warm, turning off unused lights, switching to energy-saving lightbulbs, and programming heating systems and appliances.

Use Public Transportation

Every day, far too many private vehicles are on the road, emitting large amounts of CO2. Excessive use of oil will one day deplete this resource. Therefore, by using public transportation, you help reduce pollution and lower oil consumption.

Take the Stairs

Not only is it great exercise and good for your health, but it also saves energy. If it’s just a couple of floors, why take the elevator?

Save Water

Take short showers and only take baths occasionally. Carry a reusable water bottle when you leave the house instead of buying plastic ones. And turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or soaping up your pans.

Go Paperless

Nowadays, most banks and service providers offer the option to send bills online.

Choose Energy-Efficient Appliances

From washing machines and dishwashers to toasters and blenders, it’s worth looking into their energy efficiency before buying.

Eat Less Red Meat

Livestock consume massive amounts of grain, which also requires enormous quantities of water to grow.

Buy Local Products

Buying local food, clothing, or footwear not only supports farmers and small local businesses, but also reduces the negative impact of transporting so many foreign goods.

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