Escribe la forma correcta del verbo que está entre paréntesis.
Ejemplo Next year, we ____ (live) in Chicago for 10 years.1 de 8 George ____ (study) for 6 hours by dinner time.2 de 8 How long _____ they _____ (work) when the factory closes?3 de 8 In another 5 minutes, we ____ (wait) for 3 hours for the tickets.4 de 8 This June we ____ (pay) the mortgage for 20 years.5 de 8 He ____ (play) football for 90 minutes when the game finishes.6 de 8 _____ you _____ (study) long when we meet this afternoon?7 de 8 Next Saturday they ____ (date) for 1 year.8 de 8 Jim ____ (not/learn) English long when he goes to England.