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4.1. Nouns "A ball", "houses", "friends" and "a teacher" are all examples of nouns. Nouns refer to objects, places and people but they also can refer to an abstract idea like "happiness".
4.2. Proper Nouns Proper nouns are the SPECIFIC words for a person, place, event, occasion or company. They always begin with a capital letter.
4.3. Countable and Uncountable Nouns "A bicycle", "3 bicycles". The word "bicycle" is a countable noun because we can count them and we can form the plural by adding "-s" at the end of the word. However, "water" is an uncountable noun.
4.4. There Be "There is a cat", "there are 4 chairs". To show the existence of something we use "there is" for singular nouns and "there are" for plural nouns.
4.5. Quantifiers "Have you got ANY eggs?" "Yes, there are SOME in the fridge". The words "some" and "any" are examples of quantifiers. We use them to talk about the quantity of something.