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3.1. Prepositions "The concert is IN June ON a Friday AT 8 o´clock". The prepositions "in", "at" and "on" are the most commonly used ones in English. They are used to express the location, position, place or time of something.
3.2. Prepositions of Place "The book is ON the table". When we want to express where an object or place is located we use a preposition of place. It's always placed after the main verb, which is usually "to be".
3.3. Prepositions of Time "Are you going to eat BEFORE or AFTER the cinema?" These prepositions of time are some of the most common ones to refer to time.
3.4. Prepositions of Movement or Direction When a person or an object moves in a direction we use prepositions of movement or direction. "Go TO", "walk ACROSS" and "jump OVER" are examples of these prepositions.