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    Learn Courses Basic level Numbers dates time Ordinal numbers

"Tom is FIRST, Sally is SECOND and Mary is THIRD". We could say this about 3 children in a running race. These numbers indicate the order or position on a list. Continue the lesson below.

The abbreviation of ordinal numbers is formed using the number and the last two letters of the word. The rules for the written words are the same as those of ordinal numbers (we use a hyphen for tens and for hundreds, thousands and millions, we use “and”).

1st (first), 2nd (second), 3rd (third), 7th (seventh), 15th (fifteenth),
20th (twentieth), 23rd (twenty-third), 31st (thirty-first)…
1st  first
2nd  second
3rd  third
4th  fourth
5th  fifth
6th  sixth
7th  seventh
8th  eighth
9th  ninth
10th  tenth
11th  eleventh
12th  twelfth
13th  thirteenth
14th  fourteenth
15th  fifteenth
16th  sixteenth
17th  seventeenth
18th  eighteenth
19th  nineteenth
20th  twentieth
21st  twenty-first
22nd  twenty-second
30th  thirtieth
40th  fortieth
50th  fiftieth
60th  sixtieth
70th  seventieth
80th  eightieth
90th  ninetieth
100th  hundredth
101st  hundred and first
200th  two hundredth
1,000th  thousandth
10,000th  ten thousandth
100,000th  hundred thousandth
1,000,000th  millionth
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Next lesson The Date
Ordinal Numbers Listen to Lesson