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    Learn Courses Basic level Numbers dates time Cardinal numbers

Learn to count from 1 to 100 in this lesson and practice how to say larger numbers. Learning numbers is important so that we can speak about prices, an address, telephone numbers and much more.

From 1 al 12

one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), five (5), six (6), seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11), twelve (12)

From 13 to 19 we use the termination “-teen”.

thirteen (13), fourteen (14), fifteen (15), sixteen (16), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19)

20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 end in “-ty”.

twenty (20), thirty (30), forty (40), fifty (50), sixty (60), seventy (70), eighty (80), ninety (90)

For compound numbers in the tens, we use a hyphen (“-”).

twenty-one (21), thirty-two (32), forty-three (43), fifty-four(54), sixty-five (65), seventy-six (76), eighty-seven (87), ninety-eight (98)

To form hundreds:

a/one hundred (100), two hundred (200), three hundred (300)…

To join hundreds and tens we use “and”.

two hundred and fifty-five (255), six hundred and forty-eight (648)…

For thousands:

a/one thousand (1,000), two thousand (2,000), ten thousand (10,000)…

For millions:

a/one million (1,000,000), two million (2,000,000), three million (3,000,000)…


  a/one hundred and two(102)
  three hundred and twelve(312)
  five thousand and ten(5,010)
  two million five hundred thousand / two and a half million(2,500,000)
  six thousand two hundred and seventy-nine( 6,279)
  two thousand two hundred and twenty-two(2,222)
  three thousand three hundred and thirty-three(3,333)
1   one
2   two
3   three
4   four
5   five
6   six
7   seven
8   eight
9   nine
10   ten
11   eleven
12   twelve
13   thirteen
14   fourteen
15   fifteen
16   sixteen
17   seventeen
18   eighteen
19   nineteen
20   twenty
21   twenty-one
22   twenty-two
30   thirty
40   forty
50   fifty
60   sixty
70   seventy
80   eighty
90   ninety
100   a/one hundred
101   a/one hundred and one
200   two hundred
1,000   a/one thousand
1,001   a/one thousand and one
1,100   one thousand one hundred
  eleven hundred
10,000   ten thousand
100,000   a/one hundred thousand
1,000,000   a/one million
Next lesson Ordinal Numbers
Cardinal Numbers Listen to Lesson